Weekly Grain Traded CGX - 20 November
CGX now own and operate the igrain market for grain stored on-farm

Growers getting value from offering grain for sale - 38 buyers bid up to grower offer prices to purchase grain - growers set the price.
Price differences between grades and locations - Growers have an opportunity to impact these price spreads in the way they sell.
CGX and igrain enable growers to offer grain for sale - Growers delivering to warehouse can offer grain for sale on CGX that has been delivered or will be delivered in future months. Growers storing grain on-farm can offer grain for sale on igrain and determine pickup/delivery timeframes.

When your grain is offered for sale on CGX all buyers can see it and try to purchase it.
Grain market statistics for last week
38 buyers purchased grain on CGX - more were searching for grain
13 in NSW
6 in VIC
11 in SA
20 in WA
210 sellers sold grain through CGX across 253 transactions - more were offering grain for sale
11 agent and/or advisory businesses sold grain on behalf of growers
33 different grades traded
7 commodities - wheat, barley, canola, faba beans, lentils, lupins, oats
15 port zones traded across NSW, VIC, SA and WA
Growers getting value from offering
Prices are varying considerably between grades at specific sites, but prices are also varying considerably for the same grade at different locations around Australia.
It is typical to see food grades, such as higher protein milling wheats and malt barley, trading at premiums to the lower grades at this time of year as millers and maltsters actively accumulate to cover a large part of their requirements for the year.
Historically the premiums and discounts between grades of wheat and barley narrow through the year after harvest as local millers are more covered, offshore millers start to look at other origins, and feed consumers that are more comfortable buying throughout the year, are less likely to price differentiate between grades.
North eastern areas of Australia are trading at a premium to the southern zones given the drier conditions and resulting grain deficit in those regions with APW1 trading $444/t in Newcastle versus $390/t in Melbourne as an example.
WA FIS prices are trading $20-35/t above SA and VIC port track prices which largely reflects differences in export costs but is also reflecting grower selling behaviour in some areas of the eastern states.
Selling your grain by hitting cash bids during harvest will put downward pressure on grain prices. Instead you can OFFER your grain for sale at a price to ALL BUYERS whilst ensuring you're protected by ANONYMITY and SECURE SETTLEMENT at all times.
38 different buyers bought grain that was offered by growers through Clear Grain Exchange (CGX) last week. There are plenty of buyers that want Australian grain.
CGX and igrain makes it easy for you to offer your grain at your price to all those buyers and ensure you get what it's worth.
igrain traded wheat, barley, lupins and faba beans on an exfarm basis last week.
See what traded on CGX last week below or login to your CGX or igrain accounts to see more price information.
The tables below provide a summary of traded prices last week.
Note: GTA location differentials are used to convert prices to a port equivalent price, actual freight rates can differ particularly in the eastern states. You can offer any grade for sale to create demand.

The charts below provide a summary of grain traded last week

CGX now own and operate the igrain market for grain stored on-farm

If you have any queries, we're always here to help!
Please give us a call or email if you have any questions.
Call 1800 000 410 or Email support@cgx.com.au