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Weekly Grain Traded CGX - 11 April

  1. Grain offered for sale attracting plenty of buyers - Many examples of growers grain selling at prices they didn't realise were available.

  2. Global market continues to have Aussie grain in demand - The world remains nervous over where to source grain in the latter part of the year.

  3. Growers actively adjusting price targets - Remember you can edit offers at anytime and grain can only trade when the market is open (10:00-10:05am and 8:30-8:35pm AEDT).

graph 37 buyers on CGX last week
37 different buyers purchased grain through Clear Grain Exchange (CGX) last week with more searching for grain offered for sale. When your grain is offered for sale on CGX all buyers can see it and try to purchase it.

Market stats for last week

  • 37 buyers purchased grain on CGX - more searching

  • 186 sellers sold grain on CGX with more offering grain for sale

  • 17 agent and/or advisory businesses sold grain on behalf of growers

  • 24 different grades traded

  • 6 commodities traded - wheat, barley, canola, oats, lupins, sorghum

  • 14 port zones traded across QLD, NSW, VIC, SA and WA

Global market needs Aussie grain

Appetite for Australian grain continued to remain strong last week with 37 different buyers purchasing grain through the exchange and many more searching for grain on offer. The world remains nervous over how it will source grain. This has been the case for sometime now with poor crops in the northern hemisphere last season putting Aussie grain in an enviable position of being the major source of grain to the world. More recently the Ukraine/Russian conflict has extended those global supply concerns into the latter stages of this year as the market grapples with the disruption in grain coming from these major suppliers. On top of this we're now in the traditionally volatile period of the calendar for global grain markets. Northern hemisphere crops are vulnerable to their spring and everyone is guesstimating what the production could be. This year there is a couple of big ticket items circulating northern hemisphere estimates:

  1. Dry conditions in China

  2. Poor crop conditions in the US

Underpinning all this is the very high cost of crop inputs. Hence the global market is nervous, and rightly so. Aussie grain, where it is currently abundant, is in demand as a result. The only way you can make sure you get access to this demand is to start offering it for sale at values you deem fair value, or prices you are targeting to sell. This past week there were plenty of examples of growers grain selling at values they didn't realise were available. This may not always be the case, but if you don't have your grain in warehouse on offer you won't know, and it costs nothing to have your grain offered for sale on CGX. We only charge a trade fee if it sells and we always say to factor that into your sell price. There are often many more buyers than you may realise that want your grain.

The charts below provide a summary of what traded last week.


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