Grain Report Wednesday- 20th December

What price do you want for your grain?
Overnight moves in international markets and yesterday's actual traded prices across Australia are below to help you determine your price. If you need to change your offer price, simply edit it before market open.

Look Out!
And the wheat roller coaster continues, back up last night.
Did China buy some more US Wheat?
Corn, beans, and Canola were all off though.
There must be a rain cloud passing through Brazil.
The Argie corn and bean crops look excellent however their economy is a basket case. The newly elected President Milei Cyrus has come in like a wrecking ball and will look to raise export taxes on Soyoil and Beans. Â
The Egyptian government bought another 480,000 off the Ruskies at USD $287.40 C&F (cost & freight), or USD $265 FOB (free on board) at 270 day credit terms, so it works back to USD $252 FOB.
Has anyone noticed, some big purchases have been made in December.
The Egyptians have held 3 tenders, buying just over 1 million tonnes. The Saudi’s bought twice as much as they planned at their tender, grabbing 1.353 million tonnes. And then we have the Chinese Xi Cricket team buying millions of tonnes of US wheat and who knows how much Aussie wheat they are buying or looking at. Maybe they are hanging out for the Boxing Day sales.
Considering what is happening globally with shipping supply chain disruption, China and most of Asia should be looking to Australia for smooth sailing supply.
In the Red Sea, the Iranian backed Yemeni rebel group, Houthi have started attacking ships travelling through this important shipping route.
To get to Asia from Europe and Black Sea, the most direct and economical route is via the Suez Canal, then sail down the Red Sea and when you get past Yemen, take a left hand turn and sail to Asia.
The other major shipping route, the Panama Canal has been reducing the number of vessels passing through due to low water level. Â
There are no shipping passage threats for Australian exports.
Harvest is winding up in Australia, with most headers cleaned down and put back in the shed before Christmas.
It has been an unusual traded harvest, with lower volumes sold and subdued demand.
With only 18 million tonnes of wheat exports this year, only 1.5 million tonnes per month needs to go over the rail.
Compared to last year, it would be like going to a North Melbourne V Giants football match.
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